December 19, 2010


Here's the rundown, listy-list style.

1.) Currently loving this:

2) My car is on the fritz so I drove mum's today. I remembered how to drive a clutch! yay! its been a while.
and I remembered how much I love flying through the gears. I guess its been...well, since the Era of the Bug (high school).

3) I got some disappointing news the other day in the relationship end of things. Thought something was starting to happen, and then he dropped the "We should just be platonic" line followed by the "I recently met someone and have gotten close to her" line. Damn.
Oh well, life goes on, and we'll still be friends and all.  His loss. Hope he doesn't make it awkward, because he's a cool kid and I enjoy his company.

4) I will be on snow skiing 10 out of the next 14 days. This is exciting!

5) i found the world's most awesome christmas presents for my mom and sister... and have nothing for dad yet...

6) Now I'm gonna call my grandma and see if she wants to assist with some cookie-making.

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